lies just north of Diamond City, You will need to wait for 24 hours after you killed Nelson, after which his father Malcolm will become aware of what happened. This guide lists some of those quests you don't have to do, and how you can easily use the Settlements system without ever meeting the Minutemen. He mentions that to the player in dialogue, because he wants you (and himself) to at last get revenge for his mother. Head over there and kill all the Gunners you come across. Go inside and wait for Piper and Nick to complete the dialogue. You can only have 1 baby at a time, to have a 2nd, you must advance time in the game (more on that later).

Thus far, players have discovered that Fallout 4 's Diamond City breaks out their best holiday decorations for Christmas and Halloween. Path 1 Proctor Ingram will ask players to find Professor Scara in Diamond City and will also give them Cerebrofusion Adaptor.

Travel to Diamond City Radio and modify the transmitter. If you kill all NPCs that you see or even just the main quest givers, this will lead to your infamy with the major factions going up, as your infamy with a specific faction will go up if you kill any NPC that is a member of that faction.